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Our Purpose

Our purpose is to engage small and medium sized businesses and start conversations that will offer opportunities for the owners to develop key skills to enable their enterprises move to the next level.

Our Vision

Our purpose is to engage small and medium sized businesses and start conversations that will offer opportunities for the owners to develop key skills to enable their enterprises move to the next level.

Our Mission

Haradali Africa is a one-stop shop for growing and developing leaders in SMEs and Transforming struggling SMEs into stable, growth engines for the community.

Haradali Stories

How we will do it

This is how we will achieve our goals

We will speak in Principles.
We will handle specifics in a business context.
Our commitment is to come to each individual business in the next quarter where we will contextualize the principles.
We are equals learning from one another to grow to the next level.
We will invest time wisely
We will proactively listen to one another.

The success of your business is directly related to your growth as an individual. If you don’t grow, your business won’t grow.